"I know you think you are in charge, but you're not. Now sit down and get to work!"
Sound familiar? Who has time for all this aggravation? No educator wants to be defensive, territorial or saying the same thing over and over, sometimes every day. No! But, as we know, the reality is that there are always students who want to defy our authority, 'act the fool' or pretend like our classroom is their personal playground. Too often, we have students trying to do what they want to do, when, and how they want to do it, while we are giving directions, and then have the audacity to ask you, "What did I do?" or even better, say, "I didn't do nothing." Then in the same breath, ask for a treat.
Sadly, this is a common problem faced by teachers and substitutes (guest facilitators) every day. It's not getting better. So many times teachers have to endure disrespect and a lack of support as we are left on our own to figure it out. Whether you are in the category of budding professional, seasoned teacher, or anywhere in between, you owe it to yourself and the students who depend on you for leadership and quality instruction, to exude confidence and authority when you are in your classroom from day one and maintain it throughout the year. After you set your expectations, you need to follow up with a strategy that is progressive and consistent. Examples of these can be foundhere .
Undoubtedly, having cues for students to see on a daily basis is an effective way to give silent reminders of the culture of your classroom. We need to help them understand with firmness, "This is a place of learning, not a playground. Though we may have fun at times, we will act appropriately by following the rules so that learning can take place and everyone is safe." Then we drop hints andreminders every day with clothing, accessories, rewards, and supplies that we distribute and use in our room. This will reduce the need for verbal reminders and eventually, their excuses. We owe it to them, we owe it to ourselves and our families to be a BOSS TEACHER!
Post pictures and reviews of the products you buy and use from my store and you could win monthly prizes in our Boss Teacher Competition. Show them who is boss!